Look for Family Practice Doctors in Flint MI using the GFHIE Physician Finder. Find a doctor with the Greater Flint Health Information Exchange Physician Finder and get information to include the physician’s education, practice information, and contact information. You can search for doctors in the Genesee county area by name or narrow down your search by gender, specialty,zipcode or even city. This feature is coming soon! Please click the following link for a sneak preview!
The Greater Flint Health Information Exchange Blog
Friday, April 6, 2012
Introducing The GFHIE Physician Finder
Electronic health records,
family practice,
health department,
ONC Certified,
Flint, MI, USA
Thursday, April 5, 2012
How does Mobiusoft Velocity help hospitals improve quality and patient satisifaction, while reducing utilization costs?
How does Mobiusoft Velocity help hospitals improve quality and patient satisifaction, while reducing utilization costs?
- Pre-admission and ER access to validate patient demographics, insurance and medical history.
- Automated distribution or electronic sharing of ER, admission, discharge summary to PCP and attending physicians.
- Automated communication of surgery and procedure pre and post education with patients and care takers.
- Automated electronic patient follow-up and request for survey.
- Support improving the overall healthcare of the patients in the community.
Electronic health records,
family practice,
ONC Certified,
Flint, MI, USA
Wednesday, April 4, 2012
How does Mobiusoft Velocity help providers improve quality and patient satisfaction, while reducing operational overhead costs?
- Electronically store, retrieve and share patient demographics, medical history, referrals, consult reports, test results, RX, allergies, immunizations, and more with other providers.
- Electronically communicate appointment/preventive care reminders, lab/test results, education, e-visit, and more to any patient on the system that elects electronic communications.
- Participating providers will be listed on the community provider search web page.
- Electronic notification to PCP when their patients access healthcare in the county.
- Electronically share patient records with an on-call provider on an as needed basis for a defined period of time.
- Because insurance companies will have access to their insured patients, providers will no longer be obligated to host insurance company chart reviews or faxing/mailing record components for benefit determination.
- Improve patient access and generate additional revenue with patient e-visits.
- Automated electronic request for assistance from insurance companies when non-compliant patients do not respond after the third attempt to come in for preventive care.
- Participating insurance companies are required to validate patient eligibility on the system daily freeing your staff for other duties.
Electronic health records,
family practice,
ONC Certified,
Flint, MI, USA
Tuesday, April 3, 2012
How does Mobiusoft Velocity redirect the focus of healthcare to the #1 customer, the patient?
- The patient has unrestricted access to their medical record across all health providers within a community.
- The patient is now the “owner” of their medical record, can share it with any provider of their choosing, and has access from anywhere in the world.
- Secure electronic communications with their healthcare providers, insurance companies, and the local health departments with documented date and time.
- The patient no longer has to pay an administrative fee to the provider and wait up to 10 days to get a copy of their medical chart.
- The patient can now receive their detailed lab and test results within one to five business days instead of waiting two to five weeks, or perhaps never receiving them at all.
- Patients will no longer be required to provide patient registration and medical history at every point of healthcare access within a community.
- Patients can impact the quality and customer service levels of healthcare within their community by participating in automatic surveys for each provider encounter (summary survey results will be available for all community participants).
- Provider participation requires them to list their most frequent charges, education, special training, quantity of procedures performed, and more for the patient to access in order to make the best choice for their care.
- Patients will feel more secure about their healthcare privacy by receiving electronic notification of when their medical chart has been accessed by a healthcare individual, at which time the patient may determine if their healthcare privacy has been violated and report it.
- Patients can choose to receive electronic notification of preventive care opportunities, defined by industry standards of age, sex, and disease without relying on their own memory or individual provider practice patterns.
Electronic health records,
family practice,
ONC Certified,
Flint, MI, USA
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
MobiuSoft Announces General Release of Velocity EHR
After 3 years of development and 18 months of pilot testing,
Mobiusoft is excited to announce the general release of its Velocity ONC
Certified Complete EHR and HIE platforms on April
1, 2012 with its first completely integrated installation
being the Greater Flint Health Information Exchange (www.gfhie.com). The GFHIE
currently provides electronic coordinated patient
care with family practice, pediatrics, neurology, radiology, and chiropractic
pilot clinicians managing more than 14,000 patients living in
Genesee, Lapeer, and Shiawassee counties
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
Introducing the Greater Flint Health Information Exchange - Michigan's newest HIE

Introducing the Greater Flint Health Information Exchange - Michigan's newest HIE. Our mission at the Greater Flint HIE is to improve the quality and efficiency of healthcare delivery using patient-centric medical information systems
Introducing the Greater Flint Health Information Exchange - Michigan's newest HIE. Our mission at the Greater Flint Health Information Exchange is to improve the quality and efficiency of healthcare delivery while increasing overall participant experience through the use of patient-centric medical information systems that encourage patient and provider ownership of preventative care and electronic patient-care coordination throughout the community.
As part of the 2009 American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA 2009), the Electronic Health Record Incentive Program (EHRIP) was created and provided many benefits for everyone involved in the continuum of patient health care, up to and including the patient. The EHRIP provisions, also known as “meaningful use requirements”, require the medical industry to provide patients with electronic access to their medical records. By providing patients with electronic access to their medical records, the EHRIP achieves its mission to encourage patients to become active participants in their own wellness. Electronic access to medical records may be achieved through a variety of methods such as:
• Offering patients the ability to use a kiosk in the waiting room to access their medical record;
• Providing patients with access to a secure and encrypted Internet website to view their medical record.
One of the greatest challenges with achieving efficient and quality health care is coordinating a patient’s care between health care providers. Today, coordination is poorly attempted by having patients complete a clipboard survey of medical history at each point of medical care. This fundamental process reduces the integrity of the patient medical history because clipboard surveys differ, they may not be completed accurately each time, and the information isn’t generally shared with the different providers which results in fragmented silos of patient medical record information across the community. The Greater Flint Health Information Exchange (GFHIE) improves that patient and health care delivery experience. All physicians, hospitals, laboratories, radiology labs, physical therapy clinics, and home health services that provide health care services in Genesee, Shiawassee, and Lapeer counties may choose to be part of the GFHIE and contribute to a patients medical record. In turn, all patients that live in this region enjoy free access to:
• Their complete medical record;
• Laboratory results, scheduled appointments, medication lists, and immunizations...in real time;
• Monitor the privacy of their medical record;
• View medical education material, and much more.
When health care providers become participants of the GFHIE, their patients benefit by becoming partners in their wellbeing. The GFHIE is the tool to help empower patients in becoming educated consumers of health care.
Please visit http://www.mobiusoft.net for more information.
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Our mission at the Greater Flint Health Information Exchange is to improve the quality and efficiency of healthcare delivery while increasing overall participant experience through the use of patient-centric medical information systems.
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